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  1. Camel
  2. CAMEL-7490

Redelivery delay cannot be modified in asynchronous mode for multiple retries with different redelivery intervals for each retry specified in Exchange.REDELIVERY_DELAY header parameter.



    • Improvement
    • Status: Resolved
    • Minor
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 2.12.2
    • 2.13.4, 2.14.1, 2.15.0
    • camel-core
    • None
    • Linux - JBOSS

    • Advanced


      My application needs to modify the redelivery delay at runtime, thereby overriding the values set by the application during configuration /loading time.
      The Redelivery delay for subsequent retries will have varied retry intervals and it needs to be done asynchronously. As of the current implementation, this is possible only in synchronous mode where by the thread handling the message on a route sleeps for specified amount time and uses the Exchange.REDELIVERY_DELAY header to populate the delay values for each reattempt.

      Issue 1:
      In asynchronous mode, the Exchange.REDELIVERY_DELAY is used only in the first attempt and the same value is used in subsequent attempts.

      Issue 2:
      There is no mechanism to set the delayPattern value if set for Redelivery Policy at runtime. Need to have some mechanism where the DELAY_PATTERN can be passed via Exchange at runtime such that it gets used for retries asynchronously.

      Possible Fix::
      org.apache.camel.processor:: RedeliveryErrorHandler
      In the method (processAsyncErrorHandler) below, the code calls calculateRedeliveryDelay() API for calculating the redelivery delay which is wrong. It should be calling the wrapper API - determineRedeliveryDelay() in its place which will allow the usage of Exchange.REDELIVERY_DELAY being passed in the headers. That way, it will allow the user to have the complete asynchronous behavior based on the values being passed to the CAMEL at runtime.

      The following code points to the bug exists::

      public abstract class RedeliveryErrorHandler extends ErrorHandlerSupport implements AsyncProcessor, ShutdownPrepared {
      private class AsyncRedeliveryTask implements Callable<Boolean> {
      protected void processAsyncErrorHandler(final Exchange exchange, final AsyncCallback callback, final RedeliveryData data) {

      if (data.redeliveryCounter > 0) {
      // we are doing a redelivery then a thread pool must be configured (see the doStart method)
      ObjectHelper.notNull(executorService, "Redelivery is enabled but ExecutorService has not been configured.", this);

      // let the RedeliverTask be the logic which tries to redeliver the Exchange which we can used a scheduler to
      // have it being executed in the future, or immediately
      // Note: the data.redeliverFromSync should be kept as is, in case it was enabled previously
      // to ensure the callback will continue routing from where we left
      AsyncRedeliveryTask task = new AsyncRedeliveryTask(exchange, callback, data);

      // calculate the redelivery delay
      data.redeliveryDelay = data.currentRedeliveryPolicy.calculateRedeliveryDelay(data.redeliveryDelay, data.redeliveryCounter);
      if (data.redeliveryDelay > 0) {
      // schedule the redelivery task
      if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
      log.trace("Scheduling redelivery task to run in {} millis for exchangeId: {}", data.redeliveryDelay, exchange.getExchangeId());
      executorService.schedule(task, data.redeliveryDelay, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
      } else

      { // execute the task immediately executorService.submit(task); }







            davsclaus Claus Ibsen
            ajaykapoor40 Ajay Kapoor
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