Status: Resolved
Resolution: Won't Fix
Having a simple bean method that accepts multiple String parameters declared as varargs, I'm having issues sending values from .bean(MyBean.class, "${ foo('a','b') }") or .bean(MyBean.class, "${ foo(new String[]
{'a', 'b'}) }") to my bean directly. The error states that it can't convert from String to String[] - but even with declaring a String[] (like the second bean invocation) it is not able to execute the bean.
The bean class simply looks like this:
public MyBean
public void foo(String ... param)
I'd need to specify multiple parameters and to avoid creating multiple classes or methods which are simply copy&paste classes with small adaptions (inheritance is in place) I'd love to have a more generic approach in place. If resource intensive calculations are done in the back running the method multiple times with changed parameters may not be the best solution imho.