There is a NullpointerException occurring, when
- you start a new saga (required, automatic completion)
- your configured lra is not valid (e.g. you get some arbitrary page from this url)
As a result, the request never ends and runs infinite.
org.apache.camel.service.lra.LRAClient.newLRA() is calling org.apache.camel.service.lra.LRAClient.toURL(Object) -> throw new RuntimeCamelException(ex); --> this is kind of expected, but now the error is handled the call was initiated by org.apache.camel.processor.saga.RequiredSagaProcessor.process(Exchange, AsyncCallback) and ends up finally in org.apache.camel.processor.saga.SagaProcessor.ifNotException(Throwable, Exchange, boolean, CamelSagaCoordinator, CamelSagaCoordinator, AsyncCallback, Runnable) { if (ex != null) { exchange.setException(ex); if (handleCompletion) { handleSagaCompletion(exchange, coordinator, previousCoordinator, callback); } else { Since org.apache.camel.processor.saga.SagaProcessor.handleSagaCompletion(Exchange, CamelSagaCoordinator, CamelSagaCoordinator, AsyncCallback) is called with completionMode == SagaCompletionMode.AUTO if (exchange.getException() != null) { coordinator.compensate().whenComplete(... coordinator is always null, because newSaga was not yet (sucessfully) executed
Since the NPE occurs during the errorHandling of the invalid URL itself, it is retried to infinity or something else happens, which never retunrs in awaitable time.
Proposal Fix
A coordinator should only be null, if there is no saga present yet. So in this case it would be safe to call
instead of trying to call some methods of the coordinator to rollback.
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