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  1. Camel
  2. CAMEL-19819

camel-restdsl-openapi-plugin: Integration tests failure



    • Task
    • Status: Closed
    • Minor
    • Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
    • 4.0.0
    • None
    • tooling
    • None
    • Unknown


      Integration tests in tooling/maven/camel-restdsl-openapi-plugin shows several failures

      cd tooling/maven/camel-restdsl-openapi-plugin; mvn clean install -Pfull
      [INFO] --- maven-invoker-plugin:3.6.0:integration-test (integration-test) @ camel-restdsl-openapi-plugin ---
      [INFO] Building: simple-v3-yaml/pom.xml
      [INFO] run post-build script verify.groovy
      [INFO]   The build exited with code 1. See /home/tomo/workspace/camel/camel/tooling/maven/camel-restdsl-openapi-plugin/target/it/simple-v3-yaml/build.log for details.
      [INFO]           simple-v3-yaml/pom.xml ........................... FAILED (23.35 s)
      [INFO] Building: simple-yaml-kamelet-v3/pom.xml
      [INFO] run post-build script verify.groovy
      [INFO]           simple-yaml-kamelet-v3/pom.xml ................... SUCCESS (2.377 s)
      [INFO] Building: customized-v3/pom.xml
      [INFO] run post-build script verify.groovy
      [INFO]   Assertion failed: 
      assert restdsl.exists()
             |       |
             |       false
      [INFO]           customized-v3/pom.xml ............................ FAILED (2.349 s)
      [INFO] Building: simple-xml-dto/pom.xml
      [INFO] run post-build script verify.groovy
      [INFO]   The build exited with code 1. See /home/tomo/workspace/camel/camel/tooling/maven/camel-restdsl-openapi-plugin/target/it/simple-xml-dto/build.log for details.
      [INFO]           simple-xml-dto/pom.xml ........................... FAILED (10.78 s)
      [INFO] Building: simple-v3/pom.xml
      [INFO] run post-build script verify.groovy
      [INFO]   The build exited with code 1. See /home/tomo/workspace/camel/camel/tooling/maven/camel-restdsl-openapi-plugin/target/it/simple-v3/build.log for details.
      [INFO]           simple-v3/pom.xml ................................ FAILED (2.404 s)
      [INFO] Building: simple-xml-v3/pom.xml
      [INFO] run post-build script verify.groovy
      [INFO]           simple-xml-v3/pom.xml ............................ SUCCESS (2.949 s)
      [INFO] Building: simple-dto-v3/pom.xml
      [INFO] run post-build script verify.groovy
      [INFO]   The build exited with code 1. See /home/tomo/workspace/camel/camel/tooling/maven/camel-restdsl-openapi-plugin/target/it/simple-dto-v3/build.log for details.
      [INFO]           simple-dto-v3/pom.xml ............................ FAILED (3.360 s)
      [INFO] Building: simple-xml-dto-v3/pom.xml
      [INFO] run post-build script verify.groovy
      [INFO]   The build exited with code 1. See /home/tomo/workspace/camel/camel/tooling/maven/camel-restdsl-openapi-plugin/target/it/simple-xml-dto-v3/build.log for details.
      [INFO]           simple-xml-dto-v3/pom.xml ........................ FAILED (3.932 s)
      [INFO] Building: expanded-v3-yaml/pom.xml
      [INFO] run post-build script verify.groovy
      [INFO]   The build exited with code 1. See /home/tomo/workspace/camel/camel/tooling/maven/camel-restdsl-openapi-plugin/target/it/expanded-v3-yaml/build.log for details.
      [INFO]           expanded-v3-yaml/pom.xml ......................... FAILED (2.178 s)
      [INFO] Building: simple-yaml-v3/pom.xml
      [INFO] run post-build script verify.groovy
      [INFO]           simple-yaml-v3/pom.xml ........................... SUCCESS (2.564 s)
      [INFO] Building: simple/pom.xml
      [INFO] run post-build script verify.groovy
      [INFO]   The build exited with code 1. See /home/tomo/workspace/camel/camel/tooling/maven/camel-restdsl-openapi-plugin/target/it/simple/build.log for details.
      [INFO]           simple/pom.xml ................................... FAILED (2.102 s)
      [INFO] Building: simple-yaml-dto-v3/pom.xml
      [INFO] run post-build script verify.groovy
      [INFO]   Assertion failed: 
      assert data.contains('rest-configuration:')
             |    |
             |    false
             '- restConfiguration:\n    component: "jetty"\n- rest:\n    path: "/api/v3"\n    put:\n    - id: "updatePet"\n      path: "/pet"\n      consumes: "application/json,application/xml"\n      param:\n      - description: "Pet object that needs to be added to the store"\n        name: "body"\n        required: true\n        type: "body"\n      to: "direct:updatePet"\n    get:\n    - id: "findPetsByStatus"\n      path: "/pet/findByStatus"\n      description: "Multiple status values can be provided with comma separated strings"\n      produces: "application/xml,application/json"\n      param:\n      - arrayType: "string"\n        collectionFormat: "multi"\n        dataType: "array"\n        description: "Status values that need to be considered for filter"\n        name: "status"\n        required: true\n        type: "query"\n      to: "direct:findPetsByStatus"\n    - id: "findPetsByTags"\n      path: "/pet/findByTags"\n      description: "Muliple tags can be provided with comma separated strings. Use\\\n        \\ tag1, tag2, tag3 for testing."\n      produces: "application/xml,application/json"\n      param:\n      - arrayType: "string"\n        collectionFormat: "multi"\n        dataType: "array"\n        description: "Tags to filter by"\n        name: "tags"\n        required: true\n        type: "query"\n      to: "direct:findPetsByTags"\n    delete:\n    - id: "deletePet"\n      path: "/pet/{petId}"\n      param:\n      - dataType: "string"\n        name: "api_key"\n        required: false\n        type: "header"\n      - dataType: "integer"\n        description: "Pet id to delete"\n        name: "petId"\n        required: true\n        type: "path"\n      to: "direct:deletePet"\n'
      [INFO]           simple-yaml-dto-v3/pom.xml ....................... FAILED (3.998 s)
      [INFO] Building: customized/pom.xml
      [INFO] run post-build script verify.groovy
      [INFO]   Assertion failed: 
      assert restdsl.exists()
             |       |
             |       false
      [INFO]           customized/pom.xml ............................... FAILED (2.033 s)
      [INFO] Building: simple-xml/pom.xml
      [INFO] run post-build script verify.groovy
      [INFO]           simple-xml/pom.xml ............................... SUCCESS (2.545 s)
      [INFO] Building: simple-dto/pom.xml
      [INFO] run post-build script verify.groovy
      [INFO]   The build exited with code 1. See /home/tomo/workspace/camel/camel/tooling/maven/camel-restdsl-openapi-plugin/target/it/simple-dto/build.log for details.
      [INFO]           simple-dto/pom.xml ............................... FAILED (4.194 s)




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            igarashitm Tomohisa Igarashi
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