Status: Resolved
Resolution: Fixed
User Story:
As a user of the Dynamic Router EIP component, I want to be able to subscribe with URL parameters so that I am not required to create a control message POJO to send as the message body.
Description / Explanation:
While a control channel POJO gives full control over the subscription or unsubscription, it would be more convenient to be able to send these messages from a routing participant by using URL parameters. Creating the control channel message for subscription looks like this:
DynamicRouterControlMessage billingSubMsg = new SubscribeMessageBuilder() .id("billingSubscription") .channel("billing") .priority(10) .endpointUri(myBillingNotificationUri) .predicate(new SomeBillingPredicate()) .build();
Then this is sent to the dynamic router control channel by:
template.sendBody("dynamic-router:control", billingSubMsg);
The above could be simplified and combined by using the URI to specify the message:
template.sendBody("dynamic-router:control/subscribe/billing?subscriptionId=billingSubscription&endpointUri=jms:billing&priority=10&predicate=${bodyAs(String)} regex '^\\d*[02468]$'");
Alternatives can include:
- Creating a Predicate as a bean, and referencing that bean as the predicate
- Instantiating a Predicate and sending that predicate as the message body
- Omitting the subscriptionId parameter, so that a subscription ID is generated and returned
Similarly, unsubscribing can be achieved by:
Acceptance Criteria:
- Subscribing with all URI params:
- given: All necessary dependencies present for setting up a route with the dynamic router component
- when: Routing participant sends empty message body to the dynamic router with the subscription URI beginning with "dynamic-router:control/subscribe/{channel name}" and all other params
- then: Routing participant is subscribed with all supplied values
- Unsubscribing:
- given: All necessary dependencies present for setting up a route with the dynamic router component, and routing participant has a valid subscription ID and channel name
- when: Routing participant sends empty message body to the dynamic router with the subscription URI beginning with "dynamic-router:control/unsubscribe/{channel name}" and the subscription ID
- then: Routing participant is unsubscribed for that channel and that subscription ID
- Subscribing with URI params and Predicate bean:
- given: All necessary dependencies present for setting up a route with the dynamic router component, and a Predicate bean has been registered in the registry
- when: Routing participant sends an empty message to the dynamic router with the subscription URI beginning with "dynamic-router:control/subscribe/{channel name}", the predicate parameter referencing the predicate bean, and all other params
- then: Routing participant is subscribed with all supplied values
- Subscribing with URI params and Predicate as message body:
- given: All necessary dependencies present for setting up a route with the dynamic router component and a Predicate has been instantiated
- when: Routing participant sends an empty message to the dynamic router with the subscription URI beginning with "dynamic-router:control/subscribe/{channel name}", and all other params, and the predicate instance is set as the message body
- then: Routing participant is subscribed with all supplied values
- Subscribing with control message POJO operates without change:
- given: All necessary dependencies present for setting up a route with the dynamic router component and a control message POJO has been instantiated
- when: Routing participant sends subscribe POJO as message body to the control channel
- then: Routing participant is subscribed with all supplied values
- Unsubscribing with control message POJO operates without change:
- given: All necessary dependencies present for setting up a route with the dynamic router component, routing participant has a valid subscription ID and channel name, and a control message POJO for unsubscribing has been instantiated
- when: Routing participant sends unsubscribe POJO as message body to the control channel
- then: Routing participant is unsubscribed for that channel and that subscription ID
- Provide a mode to allow routing to all matching participants
- given: multiple subscribers with at least some overlapping filter predicates
- when: incoming messages match multiple recipients' filters
- then: all matching recipients receive a copy of the message