Status: Resolved
Resolution: Fixed
3.0.0, 3.1.0, 3.2.0
Take this simple case:
CamelContext ctx = new DefaultCamelContext(); ctx.addRoutes(new RouteBuilder() { @Override public void configure() throws Exception { from("direct:input") .doTry() .throwException(new Exception("Something wrong")) .doCatch(Exception.class) .end() .to("log:error?level=WARN&showCaughtException=true"); } }); ctx.start(); ctx.createProducerTemplate().sendBody("direct:input", null);
In Camel 2.x (tested with 2.24.1 and 2.25.1), we get the expected log:
13:58:06,685 | WARN | main | error | Exchange[ExchangePattern: InOnly, BodyType: null, Body: [Body is null], CaughtExceptionType: java.lang.Exception, CaughtExceptionMessage: Something wrong]
But in Camel 3.x (tested with 3.0.0, 3.1.0 and 3.2.0), the caught exception is not shown:
13:55:19,904 | WARN | main | error | Exchange[ExchangePattern: InOnly, BodyType: null, Body: [Body is null]]
However, with showAll=true, the caught exception is correctly shown:
13:58:41,258 | WARN | main | error | Exchange[Id: ID-EBEBRPCLDV0019-1588420721258-0-1, ExchangePattern: InOnly, Properties: {CamelExceptionCaught=java.lang.Exception: Something wrong, CamelToEndpoint=log://error?level=WARN&showAll=true}, Headers: {}, BodyType: null, Body: [Body is null], CaughtExceptionType: java.lang.Exception, CaughtExceptionMessage: Something wrong, StackTrace: java.lang.Exception: Something wrong at LogTest$1.configure( [...]
I went through the different migration guides but couldn't find anything about this.
This is really blocking for our Camel 3.x migration; any workaround is welcome! (preferably through endpoint parameters)