Currently if there is a Camel route that involves two or more cxf endpoints, then the on the wire message headers such as SOAP headers are dropped.
This fix enables one to relay these headers along the route or preserve the old behaviour and drop the headers.
Headers relay/drop is bidirectional. Both out-of-band (not defined in WSDL contract) and in-band (defined in WSDL contract) headers are supported.
Relaying headers can be further customized by implementing additional logic inside of MessageHeadersRelay interface.
The default behaviour is to relay headers provided that an instance of MessageHeadersRelay bound to message binding namespace allows a header to be relayed.
Please see .../components/camel-cxf/src/test/java/org/apache/camel/component/cxf/soap/headers/ for details on how this is done.
Attached is the patch that provides this functionality.