If in Spring Boot application CxfEndpoint bean is created with java configuration and cxfendpoints setMtomEnabled(true) method is used mtom stays disabled.
This happens also if mtom is enabled through cxfEndpoint.getProperties().put("mtom-enabled", true)
or by using Camels URI property method to("cxf:bean:myCxfBean?properties.mtom-enabled=true)
or by using Camels query parameters method to("cxf:bean:myCxfBean?mtomEnabled=true)
I believe that bug is caused by lines from 130 to 133 in org.apache.camel.component.cxf.CxfComponent. This block of code explicitly sets mtom state by using endpoints properties, but the properties are already handled and therefore the properties map is empty and mtom is always disabled.
I have added maven project that has unit tests for verifying the problem.
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