My code uploads large files to S3 storage (500 MB and bigger). I create an exchange with properly set meta information headers including the CamelAwsS3ContentLength, as a body I provide a stream. Everything worked well in Camel 2.14.3 but when I upgraded to Camel ti version 2.22.1 I suddenly began getting OOM issues from time to time. I did some debugging and found that the issue is in S3Producer that loads content of the body stream into memory.
public void processSingleOp(final Exchange exchange) throws Exception { ObjectMetadata objectMetadata = determineMetadata(exchange); <== here we already set length File filePayload = null; InputStream is = null; ByteArrayOutputStream baos = null; Object obj = exchange.getIn().getMandatoryBody(); PutObjectRequest putObjectRequest = null; // Need to check if the message body is WrappedFile if (obj instanceof WrappedFile) { obj = ((WrappedFile<?>)obj).getFile(); } if (obj instanceof File) { filePayload = (File)obj; is = new FileInputStream(filePayload); } else { is = exchange.getIn().getMandatoryBody(InputStream.class); baos = determineLengthInputStream(is); <====== the issue is here objectMetadata.setContentLength(baos.size()); is = new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray()); } ...
This is a defect since, as I mentioned, I already provide content length via headers and in the first line of the method populates that information into object metadata.
I think there should be some if check that skips content length size calculation if it is already known.