I wish I could initialize a single SSLContextParameters at camel startup containing my truststore.jks (> 1 alias) and my keystore.jks (> 1 alias) in order to call it (refer to) in Routes (FTPs, HTTPs) without have to redefine a new SSLContextParameter for each EndPoint.
<camel:sslContextParameters id="sslIContextParameters">
<camel:keyStore password="${truststore.jks.file.password}"
resource="${truststore.jks.file.location}" />
<camel:keyManagers >
<camel:keyStore password="${keystore.jks.file.password}"
resource="${keystore.jks.file.location}" />
When my Keystore contains more than 1 alias, I have the following error when creating the Route at startup :
Caused by: org.apache.camel.ResolveEndpointFailedException: Failed to resolve endpoint: https4://<host>:<port>/<address>?authPassword=RAW(password)&authUsername=login&authenticationPreemptive=true&bridgeEndpoint=true&sslContextParameters=sslContextParameters&throwExceptionOnFailure=true due to: Cannot recover key
due to
Caused by: Cannot recover key
When my keystore contains only one key, it works very well.
<camel:sslContextParameters id="sslIContextParameters">
<camel:keyStore password="${truststore.jks.file.password}"
resource="${truststore.jks.file.location}" />
<camel:keyManagers keyPassword="keyPassword">
<camel:keyStore password="${keystore.jks.file.password}"
resource="${keystore.jks.file.location}" />
So I would like to be able to call my SSLContextParameter for different EndPoint by specifying (if necessary) the alias of the Keystore needed (by specifying the alias and / or password of the key)
Objectif in my project :
- 1 TrustStore.jks
- 1 Keystore.jsk
- 1 unique SSLContextParameter
- > 200 camelRoutes FTPs/HTTPs (ssl one way ou two way)
Thank a lot