Status: Resolved
Resolution: Fixed
I created a test to reproduce the problem:
import org.apache.camel.CamelExecutionException; import org.apache.camel.Endpoint; import org.apache.camel.EndpointInject; import org.apache.camel.RoutesBuilder; import org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder; import org.apache.camel.component.mock.MockEndpoint; import org.apache.camel.test.junit4.CamelTestSupport; import org.junit.Test; import java.util.Arrays; public class OnCompletionTest extends CamelTestSupport{ @EndpointInject(uri = "direct:in") private Endpoint in; @EndpointInject(uri = "mock:completion") private MockEndpoint mockComp; @EndpointInject(uri = "mock:out") private MockEndpoint mockOut; @Test public void good() throws InterruptedException { mockComp.setExpectedMessageCount(1); mockOut.setExpectedMessageCount(2); // context.createProducerTemplate().sendBody(in, Arrays.asList("1","2")); // assertMockEndpointsSatisfied(); } @Test public void exception() throws InterruptedException { mockComp.setExpectedMessageCount(1); mockOut.setExpectedMessageCount(2); // mockOut.whenAnyExchangeReceived(exchange -> {throw new IllegalArgumentException("");}); try { context.createProducerTemplate().sendBody(in, Arrays.asList("1","2")); fail(); } catch (CamelExecutionException e){ } // mockOut.assertIsSatisfied(); mockComp.assertIsSatisfied(); } @Override public boolean isUseRouteBuilder() { return true; } @Override protected RoutesBuilder createRouteBuilder() throws Exception { return new RouteBuilder() { @Override public void configure() throws Exception { // @formatter:off from(in) .onCompletion().to(mockComp).end() .split().body() //.stopOnException() //.shareUnitOfWork() .to(mockOut) ; // @formatter:on } }; } }
I would expect that both tests pass. In case of exception the onCompletion is not triggered. Documentation says it should trigger in all cases. "onFailureOnly()" doesn't help either. I also tried "stopOnException()" and "shareUnitOfWork()" in some combinations with no avail.
If this works as intended there should be at least a hint in the documentation.
For the sake of completeness i also asked here for a solution/ workaround: