New Feature
Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
The Filter condition could be pushed past the Window when condition used columns is window partition columns.
For example:
SELECT * FROM ( SELECT custkey, orderkey, rank() OVER ( PARTITION BY custkey ORDER BY orderdate ASC ) FROM orders ) WHERE custkey = 0 AND orderkey > 0
The plan tree:
LogicalProject(custkey=[0], orderkey=[$1], EXPR$2=[$2]) LogicalFilter(condition=[AND(=($0, 0), >($1, 0))]) LogicalProject(custkey=[$1], orderkey=[$0], EXPR$2=[$3]) LogicalWindow(window#0=[window(partition {1} order by [2] aggs [RANK()])]) LogicalProject(ORDERKEY=[$0], CUSTKEY=[$1], ORDERDATE=[$4]) LogicalTableScan(table=[[tpch, ORDERS]])
Because the window partition columns is custkey,so the condition `custkey = 0 ` could be pushed down the LogicalWindow.
After that,the plan is :
LogicalProject(custkey=[0], orderkey=[$1], EXPR$2=[$2]) LogicalFilter(condition=[>($1, 0)]) LogicalProject(custkey=[$1], orderkey=[$0], EXPR$2=[$3]) LogicalWindow(window#0=[window(partition {1} order by [2] aggs [RANK()])]) LogicalFilter(condition=[=($1, 0)]) LogicalProject(ORDERKEY=[$0], CUSTKEY=[$1], ORDERDATE=[$4]) LogicalTableScan(table=[[tpch, ORDERS]])
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