Status: Open
Resolution: Unresolved
The planner generates equivalent DruidQuery expressions with exactly the same cost. Most of the time the expressions differ only in the number of intermediate projections
For example, running the following query
select distinct "countryName" from "wiki" where "page" = 'Jeremy Corbyn'
via DruidAdapterIT#testSelectDistinctWiki generates among others the following alternatives during optimization.
Choice 1
rel#184:DruidQuery.BINDABLE.[](table=[wiki, wiki],intervals=[1900-01-09T00:00:00.000Z/2992-01-10T00:00:00.000Z],filter==($13, 'Jeremy Corbyn'),projects=[$5, $13],groups={0},aggs=[])
Choice 2
rel#108:DruidQuery.BINDABLE.[](table=[wiki, wiki],intervals=[1900-01-09T00:00:00.000Z/2992-01-10T00:00:00.000Z],filter==($13, 'Jeremy Corbyn'),projects=[$5],groups={0},aggs=[])
Using the debugger we can see that the cost of the two plans is exactly the same (although they are different) which means that the one that was generated first will dominate the other. Clearly in this case the second choice is a better plan.
Performance wise the difference may not be that big but refining the cost is beneficial at least for plan stability. Currently the final plan is dependent on the order that the rules are applied.
The goal of this jira is to refine Druid's cost model so that choice 2 becomes cheaper than choice 1 outlined above.