Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Currently OPTIQ doesn't push down aggregates for bushy joins and this can be a performance limitation in some queries.
Ideally before we push down the aggregate we should take into the account the NDV and reduction of the join which we are trying to push the aggregate underneath.
On Hive to measure potential gains I wrote a query which has the following business question based on the TPC-DS schema:
Identify customers from specific gender with good credit rating that spent more than X amount of money during a specific year.
This query has 3 main components
1) Hub containing store_sales & date_dim
2) Hub containing customer and customer_demographics
3) Aggregate
And for that query I have 2 rewrites :
1) Rewrite that generates a bushy join plan
2) Rewrite that generates a bushy join plan and pushes the aggregate down
Results show that aggregate push down in a bushy plan cuts down the query runtime by half.
The aggregate push down reduces the intermediate data in the query from 384GB to 22GB.
Base query finishes in 4,781 seconds with 2,253 GB of intermediate data
Bushy query finished in 1,374 seconds with 384GB of intermediate data
Bushy query + aggregate push down finished in 605 with only 22GB of intermediate data.
Base query
"select c_customer_sk, sum(ss_net_paid) as net_paid from customer, customer_demographics, store_sales, date_dim where c_current_cdemo_sk = cd_demo_sk and cd_credit_rating = 'Good' and cd_gender = 'F' and ss_customer_sk = c_customer_sk and ss_customer_sk is not null and d_year = 2001 and d_date_sk = ss_sold_date_sk group by c_customer_sk having net_paid > 0 order by net_paid desc limit 100;"
Bushy query
with ss as ( select ss_net_paid, ss_customer_sk from store_sales,date_dim where d_year = 2001 and d_date_sk = ss_sold_date_sk and ss_customer_sk is not null ), cc as ( select c_customer_sk from customer,customer_demographics where c_current_cdemo_sk = cd_demo_sk and cd_credit_rating = 'Good' and cd_gender = 'F' ) select c_customer_sk, sum(ss_net_paid) as net_paid from cc,ss where ss_customer_sk = c_customer_sk group by c_customer_sk having net_paid > 0 order by net_paid desc limit 100;
Bushy query + aggregate push down
Issue Links
- relates to
CALCITE-675 Enable AggregateProjectMergeRule in standard rule set
- Closed
CALCITE-676 AssertionError in GROUPING SETS query
- Closed
CALCITE-751 Push aggregate with aggregate functions through join
- Closed