Following test in RelOptRulesTest generate plan with LogicalFilter
@Test public void testSome() { final String sql = "select * from emp e1\n" + " where e1.empno > SOME (select deptno from dept)"; checkSubQuery(sql).withLateDecorrelation(true).check(); }
LogicalProject(EMPNO=[$0], ENAME=[$1], JOB=[$2], MGR=[$3], HIREDATE=[$4], SAL=[$5], COMM=[$6], DEPTNO=[$7], SLACKER=[$8]) LogicalProject(EMPNO=[$0], ENAME=[$1], JOB=[$2], MGR=[$3], HIREDATE=[$4], SAL=[$5], COMM=[$6], DEPTNO=[$7], SLACKER=[$8]) LogicalFilter(condition=[OR(AND(IS TRUE(>($0, $9)), <>($10, 0)), AND(>($10, $11), null, <>($10, 0), IS NOT TRUE(>($0, $9))), AND(>($0, $9), <>($10, 0), IS NOT TRUE(>($0, $9)), <=($10, $11)))]) LogicalJoin(condition=[true], joinType=[inner]) LogicalTableScan(table=[[CATALOG, SALES, EMP]]) LogicalAggregate(group=[{}], m=[MIN($0)], c=[COUNT()], d=[COUNT($0)]) LogicalProject(DEPTNO=[$0]) LogicalTableScan(table=[[CATALOG, SALES, DEPT]])
Note that LogicalFilter has condition which should be further simplified
(condition=[OR(AND(IS TRUE(>($0, $9)), <>($10, 0)), AND(>($10, $11), null, <>($10, 0), IS NOT TRUE(>($0, $9))), AND(>($0, $9), <>($10, 0), IS NOT TRUE(>($0, $9)), <=($10, $11)))])
If AND(IS TRUE(>($0, $9)), <>($10, 0)) is true so will be AND(IS TRUE(>($0, $9)), <>($10, 0))