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  1. Calcite
  2. CALCITE-2638

Constant reducer must not duplicate calls to non-deterministic functions



    • Bug
    • Status: Closed
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 1.17.0
    • 1.18.0
    • core
    • None


      When we have a dynamic function like


      in the query, calcite will skip constant reduction, for example, for query1: 

      select sal, current_timestamp as t from emp

      The plan after rule `ReduceExpressionsRule.PROJECT_INSTANCE` is

      LogicalProject(SAL=[$5], T=[CURRENT_TIMESTAMP])
        LogicalTableScan(table=[[CATALOG, SALES, EMP]])

      This is as expect cause there is such code snippet in `ReducibleExprLocator#visitCall`:

      // Even if all operands are constant, the call itself may
      // be non-deterministic.
      if (!call.getOperator().isDeterministic()) {   
        callConstancy = Constancy.NON_CONSTANT;
      } else if (call.getOperator().isDynamicFunction()){   
        // We can reduce the call to a constant, but we can't   
        // cache the plan if the function is dynamic.   
        // For now, treat it same as non-deterministic.   
        callConstancy = Constancy.NON_CONSTANT; 

      But for query2:

      select sal, sal + 5, t from (select sal, current_timestamp as t from emp) 

      we will get a plan with rule `ReduceExpressionsRule.PROJECT_INSTANCE` as:

      + plan before
      LogicalProject(SAL=[$0], EXPR$1=[+($0, 5)], T=[$1])
        LogicalProject(SAL=[$5], T=[CURRENT_TIMESTAMP])
        LogicalTableScan(table=[[CATALOG, SALES, EMP]])
      + plan after
      LogicalProject(SAL=[$0], EXPR$1=[+($0, 5)], T=[CURRENT_TIMESTAMP])
        LogicalProject(SAL=[$5], T=[CURRENT_TIMESTAMP])
        LogicalTableScan(table=[[CATALOG, SALES, EMP]])

      This is actually wrong cause `current_timestamp` is dynamic and we do not want to compute it again in the outer project.

      The reason we did constant reduction is that: for query2, we will get a pulled up predicates with tool function `RexUtil.isConstant`, this function decide if the call is constant by invoking `SqlOperator#isDeterministic` which is default true here. It did not do the `isDynamicFunction()` decision just like `ReducibleExprLocator` and the reduction finally happened which handle by `RexExecutor`.

      Personally i think we should keep sync in reduction logic for `inputRef` and `RexCall` and i reuse the `analyzeCall` and apply a patch here.




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              julianhyde Julian Hyde
              danny0405 Danny Chen
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