Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Currently the TableFunction left outer join is translated to a LogicalCorrelate followed by a LogicalFilter. For instance, given a simple table WordCount(word:String, frequency:Int), a table function split: word:String => (letter:String, length:String), and a query SELECT word, letter, length FROM WordCount LEFT JOIN LATERAL TABLE(split(word)) AS T (letter, length) ON frequency = length OR length < 5" the query will be translated to the logical plan below.
LogicalProject(word=[$0], name=[$2], length=[$3])
LogicalFilter(condition=[OR(=($1, CAST($3):BIGINT), <($3, 5))])
LogicalCorrelate(correlation=[$cor0], joinType=[left], requiredColumns=[{0}])
LogicalTableFunctionScan(invocation=[split($cor0.word)], rowType=[RecordType(VARCHAR(65536) _1, INTEGER _2)], elementType=[class [Ljava.lang.Object;])
With this plan, an outer row might be completely filtered out (instead of being padded with null) if the join predicate filter filters out all join results produced by a correlate join for the outer row. Maybe we should attach the filter to the correlate operation.
Issue Links
- Blocked
FLINK-7865 Remove predicate restrictions on TableFunction left outer join
- Open
- blocks
CALCITE-2893 Type mismatch assertion error when creating join condition
- Closed
- is blocked by
CALCITE-2903 Exception thrown when decorrelating query with TEMPORAL TABLE
- Closed
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