According to the documentation, the output rowType should also include partition by key columns and order by key columns.
MATCH_RECOGNIZE is called the row pattern output table. The shape (row type) of the row pattern output table depends on the choice of ONE ROW PER MATCH or ALL ROWS PER MATCH:
- If ONE ROW PER MATCH is specied or implied, then the columns of the row pattern output table are the row pattern partitioning columns in their order of declaration, followed by the row pattern measure columns in their order of declaration. Since a table must have at least one column, this implies that there must be at least one row pattern partitioning column or one row pattern measure column.
- If ALL ROWS PER MATCH is speci ed, then the columns of the row pattern output table are the row pattern partitioning columns in their order of declaration, the ordering columns in their order of declaration, the row pattern measure columns in their order of declaration, and nally any remaining columns of the row pattern input table, in the order they occur in the row pattern input table.
Currently, partition key columns and order by key columns are not included in the output row type.