Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Calcite should not use deprecated methods and classes, especially in third-party libraries. I propose that we adopt a zero-tolerance policy, fixing deprecated calls as soon as they occur. As long as the third-party libraries use semantic versioning, this should give us prior warning before things disappear.
You can find the calls to deprecated APIs by adding <compilerArgument>-Xlint:deprecation</compilerArgument> then running mvn clean package -DskipTests | grep 'has been deprecated' | grep -v 'in org.apache.calcite'. Currently there are 51 when you run in JDK9 and Guava 20.0. Here are the first few:
[WARNING] /home/jhyde/open1/calcite.2/linq4j/src/main/java/org/apache/calcite/linq4j/tree/[254,38] getPackage(java.lang.String) in java.lang.Package has been deprecated [WARNING] /home/jhyde/open1/calcite.2/linq4j/src/test/java/org/apache/calcite/linq4j/test/[736,25] Integer(int) in java.lang.Integer has been deprecated [WARNING] /home/jhyde/open1/calcite.2/linq4j/src/test/java/org/apache/calcite/linq4j/test/[737,26] Integer(int) in java.lang.Integer has been deprecated [WARNING] /home/jhyde/open1/calcite.2/linq4j/src/test/java/org/apache/calcite/linq4j/test/[738,25] Integer(int) in java.lang.Integer has been deprecated [WARNING] /home/jhyde/open1/calcite.2/core/src/main/java/org/apache/calcite/rex/[539,47] ROUND_HALF_DOWN in java.math.BigDecimal has been deprecated
We should fix these (and other deprecated APIs when we run on other JDK versions and other Guava versions), then add a nightly check that none are added back.