Currently, Calcite doesn't support IS NULL and IS NOT NULL operators in ON condition clause of a JOIN operator. These operators may be useful if a query needs to join on both keys being null.
Test which proves the failure of (
@Test public void testSimpleJoinConditionWithIsNullOperators() { String query = "select *\n" + "from \"foodmart\".\"sales_fact_1997\" as \"t1\"\n" + "inner join \"foodmart\".\"customer\" as \"t2\"\n" + "on \"t1\".\"customer_id\" = \"t2\".\"customer_id\" or " + "(\"t1\".\"customer_id\" is null " + "and \"t2\".\"customer_id\" is null)\n" + "inner join \"foodmart\".\"product\" as \"t3\"\n" + "on \"t1\".\"product_id\" = \"t3\".\"product_id\" or " + "(\"t1\".\"product_id\" is not null or " + "\"t3\".\"product_id\" is not null)"; System.out.println(query); String expected = "SELECT *\nFROM \"foodmart\".\"sales_fact_1997\"\n" + "INNER JOIN \"foodmart\".\"customer\" " + "ON \"sales_fact_1997\".\"customer_id\" = \"customer\".\"customer_id\"" + " OR \"sales_fact_1997\".\"customer_id\" IS NULL " + "AND \"customer\".\"customer_id\" IS NULL\n" + "INNER JOIN \"foodmart\".\"product\" " + "ON \"sales_fact_1997\".\"product_id\" = \"product\".\"product_id\" OR " + "\"sales_fact_1997\".\"product_id\" IS NOT NULL " + "OR \"product\".\"product_id\" IS NOT NULL"; sql(query).ok(expected); }