Status: Closed
Resolution: Auto Closed
Ruby 1.8.6
When running some known-good (= they work using the jtestr ant task) jtestr specs, I found that it seems that buildr is instance_evaling jtestr_config.rb twice in different contexts.
Sample output:
Running java org.jruby.Main
undefined method `log_level' for main:Object
Finished in 0.077696 seconds
0 examples, 0 failures
buildr aborted!
file:/Users/rsutphin/.m2/repository/org/jtestr/jtestr/0.3.1/jtestr-0.3.1.jar!/jtestr/test_runner.rb:57:in `run'
I tracked "log_level" back to my jtestr_config.rb file whose first line is "log_level :DEBUG". I put these lines at the top:
puts "self: #
puts "self.class: #
and then the output includes this:
self: #<JtestR::Configuration:0x13862 @values={}>
self.class: JtestR::Configuration
self: main
self.class: Object
undefined method `log_level' for main:Object
I've worked around this for the moment by adding the following to the top of my jtestr_config.rb:
return if self.inspect == "main"
This isn't a great solution, but I haven't had any luck yet tracking down the source of the extra eval. I'm reporting this without a solution in case anyone else runs into the same thing.