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  1. Bigtop
  2. BIGTOP-476

Improvement of BigTop iTest framework



    • Improvement
    • Status: Closed
    • Minor
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 0.3.0
    • backlog
    • tests
    • All


      Current BigTop test framework has a limitation to handle dynamic generated data. It's flexibility can be improved.

      For org.apache.bigtop.itest.hadoopexamples.TestHadoopExamples

      Limitation: if someone wants to make any changes, he/she needs to modify
      ./bigtop-tests/test-artifacts/hadoop/src/main/groovy/org/apache/bigtop/itest/hadoopexamples/TestHadoopExamples.groovy. It requires compilation before running.

      For org.apache.bigtop.itest.hadooptests.TestTestCLI. The configuration file,
      ./build/hadoop/deb/hadoop-1.0.1/src/test/org/apache/hadoop/cli/testConf.xml, has entries like the following:

      <test> <!-- TESTED -->
      <description>ls: file using relative path</description>
      <command>-fs NAMENODE -touchz file1</command>
      <command>-fs NAMENODE -ls file1</command>
      <command>-fs NAMENODE -rm file1</command>
      <expected-output>Found 1 items</expected-output>
      <expected-output>^rw-rr-( )1( )[a-z]( )*supergroup( )*0( )[0-9]






      ( )/user/[a-z]/file1</expected-output>

      Limitation: Put the expected-output, then perform string comparison is good, but still not flexible enough to handle dynamic generated data. For example, a program randomly generate key/value pairs, then submit M/R job to calculate sum (average) for each key. There is no way to calculate the result in advance to put down as expected-output.

      I am proposing an improvement for BigTop's integration test. We can put all test cases in a XML file, which contains a list of command-sets; each command-set has command, command-comparator-type, command-comparator-compare-to. The command is for hadoop/hbase/hive command; command-comparator-type to specify Java class to perform comparison; command-comparator-compare-to is used to specify the shell command to generate expected output.

      I put down 3 cases below:

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
      <test-name>Calculate summation in MR</test-name>
      <test-desc>Here is simple MR test to calculate sum</test-desc>
      <command>hadoop jar ./target/LeiBigTop-1.1.jar com.lei.bigtop.hadoop.calsum.CalSum ./data ./output</command>
      <command-comparator-compare-to><![CDATA[ cat ./output/* ]]></command-comparator-compare-to>

      <test-name>calculate pi</test-name>
      <test-desc>calculate pi using hadoop MR</test-desc>
      <command>hadoop jar $HADOOP_HOME/hadoop-examples-0.*.0.jar pi 5 5</command>
      <command-comparator-compare-to><![CDATA[echo "Pi is 3.68"]]></command-comparator-compare-to>

      <test-name>count word in MR</test-name>
      <test-desc>count word in Hadoop MR</test-desc>
      <command-set><command>rm -rf ./wordcount</command></command-set>
      <command-set><command>rm -rf ./wordcount_out</command></command-set>
      <command-set><command>mkdir ./wordcount</command></command-set>
      <command-set><command><![CDATA[curl http://www.meetup.com/HandsOnProgrammingEvents/events/53837022/ | sed -e :a -e 's/<[^>]>//g;/</N;//ba' | sed 's/&nbsp//g' | sed 's/[ \t]//;s/[ \t]$//' | sed '/$/d' | sed '/"http[^"]"/d' > ./wordcount/content]]></command></command-set>
      <command-set><command>hadoop fs -mkdir /wordcount</command></command-set>
      <command-set><command>hadoop fs -put ./wordcount/* /wordcount</command></command-set>
      <command-set><command>hadoop jar $HADOOP_HOME/hadoop-examples-0.*.0.jar wordcount /wordcount /wordcount_out</command></command-set>
      <command-set><command>mkdir ./wordcount_out</command></command-set>
      <command-set><command>hadoop fs -get /wordcount_out/* ./wordcount_out</command></command-set>
      <command-set><command>hadoop fs -rmr /wordcount</command></command-set>
      <command-set><command>hadoop fs -rmr /wordcount_out/</command></command-set>
      <command>cat ./wordcount_out/* | grep Roman | sed 's/[^0-9.]([0-9.]).*/\1/'</command>
      <command-comparator-compare-to><![CDATA[cat wordcount/* | grep -c Roman]]></command-comparator-compare-to>



        1. bigtop-testcases.yaml
          8 kB
          Lei Zou
        2. TestRunHadoopExamples.groovy
          8 kB
          Lei Zou
        3. ExtactComparatorIgnoreWhiteSpace.groovy
          1 kB
          Lei Zou
        4. BigTopTestCommand.java
          2 kB
          Lei Zou
        5. BigTopIntegrationTestFacade.groovy
          2 kB
          Lei Zou
        6. BigTopIntegrationTest.java
          5 kB
          Lei Zou
        7. bigtop-tests_test-execution_smokes_hadoop_pom.xml.diff
          2 kB
          Lei Zou
        8. bigtop-tests_test-artifacts_pom.xml.diff
          0.8 kB
          Lei Zou



            stones333 Lei Zou
            stones333 Lei Zou
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              Time Tracking

                Original Estimate - 168h
                Remaining Estimate - 168h
                Time Spent - Not Specified
                Not Specified