Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
I tried to deploy components on vagrant vm and found some outdated descriptions in README.
3) To provision a 3 node Apache Hadoop cluster on top of vagrant boxes ``` vagrant up ```
Actually that command starts only 1 node since the default value of num_instances is 1.
5) Test on local built packages is available by: first, build up local yum repo ``` cd bigtop; ./gradlew alluxio-yum ```
This task doesn't exist. Maybe ./gradlew alluxio-rpm; ./gradlew yum?
##Configure Apache Hadoop ecosystem components * Choose the ecosystem you want to be deployed by modifying components in vagrantconfig.yaml ``` components: "hadoop,hbase,yarn,..." ``` By default, Apache Hadoop, YARN, and Apache HBase will be installed. See `bigtop-deploy/puppet/config/site.csv.example` for more details.
- components should be defined as an array.
- HBase won't be installed by default since the default value of components is [hadoop, yarn].
- bigtop-deploy/puppet/config/site.csv.example doesn't exist (already filed as BIGTOP-1994).
##Example: 5) Run to evaluate the deployment. ``` ../utils/ ```
"5)" is unnecessary.