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  1. Beehive
  2. BEEHIVE-403

ant build.dist.archives does not work from DOS window



    • Bug
    • Status: Closed
    • Minor
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • V1Beta, v1m1
    • v1m1
    • Build
    • None
    • Windows, DOS Shell, cygwin at end of my PATH and a drive letter in my paths


      This is really 2 related problems:

      1) When I run ant build.dist.archives from my DOS prompt, the .gz files do not generated. There are errors that go by, but the build still thinks it is successful. In distribution.xml, if you add a failonerror="true" attribute to the exec elements this lets it fail the build if tar failed. Might want to do this for the 'svn' execs as well.

      2) The other problem is why the .gz files are not getting generated. My path is finding my cygwin GNU tar (version 1.13.25). The cause is that tar is failing with this error:
      [exec] D: Unknown Host
      [exec] apache-beehive-incubating-svn-snapshot/docs/apidocs/classref_controls/org/apache/beehive/controls/api/bean/ControlInterface.html
      [exec] tar (child): D\:\\beehive_trunk\\trunk\\build\\dist
      archives/apache-beehive-incubating-svn-snapshot.tar.gz: Cannot open: Input/Output error
      [exec] tar (child): Error is not recoverable: exiting now

      Apparently GNU tar fails with the "Unknown Host" error if you use drive letters in your file paths. I tried taking it out of my BEEHIVE_HOME, but the drive letter crops up from somewhere else still. If you add this as the 1st argument to the exec tar element it seems to fix the problem.
      <arg value="--force-local"/>


        1. installed.db
          6 kB
          Heather Stephens



            jzhuo Julie Zhuo
            jcummings Jim Cummings
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