Submitting a new patch to add a new BVT to the existing coreWeb MockPortal tests. Test name for this is MockPortalScopingTest2
This BVT is similar to the last BVT added for MockPortal but with a slight difference in how the pop-up is spawned. Basically, a pop-up window is spawned from a portlet (but this time via a netui:anchor tag not javascript) from a form post to a specific targetScope and verifying the pop-up window has access to data defined in that scope. Then the pop-up window posts new data to that scope and verifies that the portlet now sees the new data in the same defined scope.
Here is the svn add log on what files were added and where:
D:\beehive\trunk\netui\test\webapps\drt\coreWeb\mockportal>svn add scoping2
A scoping2
A scoping2\index.jsp
A scoping2\results.jsp
A scoping2\ScopedPortal.jsp
A scoping2\ScopingController.jpf
A scoping2\window1.jsp
A scoping2\window1Results.jsp
D:\beehive\trunk\netui\test\webapps\drt\testRecorder\tests>svn add MockPortalScopingTest2.xml
A MockPortalScopingTest2.xml
I will attach the patch file here shortly.