Status: Resolved
Resolution: Fixed
1.8.0, 1.8.1, 1.8.2, 1.8.3
Apache Struts 1.3.10 (latest) uses commons-beanutils 1.8.0
The issue is like #BEANUTILS-331, BEANUTILS-339 where BeanUtils.populate() -> BeanUtilsBean.setProperty throws an IllegalArgumentException when it should not.
error situation (see attached JUnitTest):
BeanUtilsBean.setProperty(bean,"", value) with a nested property "" where bean.getFoo() returns null.
Line 903 (in 1.8.0 -1.8.3) getPropertyUtils().getProperty(target,;
returns null (because bean.getFoo() returns null) which is not handled correctly.
The Exception is thrown in line 963 because target == null.
SetProperty should silently return like in the case the property does not exist.
BeanUtils.populate(), BeanUtilsBean.setProperty are used by Struts to populate HTTP-Request-Parameters to form beans (form backing objects). The request sent by a browser when clicking a <input type="image" name="imgLink"...> contains parameters "imgLink.x" and "imgLink.y". These request parameters should not let to an error when populating to a bean which has the property "imgLink".
The application should be able to process these parameters after bean populating, which is not possible now because populate fails.
Test case to reproduce:
public class BeanUtilsBeanTest extends TestCase
public void testSetProperty()
throws Exception
public class DummyBean
private String imgLink = null; // stays null
public String getImgLink ()
{ return imgLink; }public void setImgLink(String imgLink)
{ this.imgLink = imgLink; } }
suggestion for a fix:
Return after line 903 if getProperty returns null and therefor target becomes null.