Status: Resolved
Resolution: Fixed
Thank you for your review
Hash Partition Feature
- The default number of buckets in the previous hash partition was 2* replicas, and there were some problems in the production environment, so I felt I should provide the displayed hash partition configuration.
- Add the hash partition number configuration 'kudu.hash-partition-nums',which defaults to 3 if not specified.
Singleton Test
public class NewTablePropertiesTest extends KuduCatalogTest{ private KuduCatalog catalog; private StreamTableEnvironment tableEnv; @BeforeEach public void init() { StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment(); catalog = new KuduCatalog(harness.getMasterAddressesAsString()); tableEnv = KuduTableTestUtils.createTableEnvWithBlinkPlannerStreamingMode(env); tableEnv.registerCatalog("kudu", catalog); tableEnv.useCatalog("kudu"); } @Test public void testHashPartitionNums() throws TableNotExistException { catalog.dropTable(ObjectPath.fromString(EnvironmentSettings.DEFAULT_BUILTIN_DATABASE + ".TestTable1"), true); catalog.dropTable(ObjectPath.fromString(EnvironmentSettings.DEFAULT_BUILTIN_DATABASE + ".TestTable2"), true); tableEnv.executeSql("CREATE TABLE TestTable1 (`first` STRING, `second` String) WITH ('kudu.hash-columns' = 'first', 'kudu.primary-key-columns' = 'first')"); tableEnv.executeSql("CREATE TABLE TestTable2 (`first` STRING, `second` String) WITH ('kudu.hash-columns' = 'first','kudu.hash-partition-nums'='6', 'kudu.primary-key-columns' = 'first')"); } @Test public void testOwner() throws TableNotExistException { catalog.dropTable(ObjectPath.fromString(EnvironmentSettings.DEFAULT_BUILTIN_DATABASE + ".TestTable1"), true); tableEnv.executeSql("CREATE TABLE TestTable1 (`first` STRING, `second` String) WITH ('kudu.hash-columns' = 'first', 'kudu.primary-key-columns' = 'first','kudu.table-owner'='admin')"); } }
Other Ideas
- Regarding the range partition, I think a JSON List can be passed in to describe the corresponding range partition, and I think the hash partition and range partition must exist in one
Issue Links
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