Using the wsdl2java tool to generate a Java client to access a REST web service described with a WSDL 2.0, the generated client does not encode the symbol '+' in GET parameters.
For example, if I have an URL "/get_url", and I set the parameter "param" to "x+x", the symbol "+" is not encoded, and therefore it is interpreted as a space on the server ("x x"). If I try to send the parameter encoded, i.e., "%2B", then "%252B" is received in the server.
Therefore, it is not possible to send the '+' symbol in a GET parameter.
I guess that it is caused by the definition of the field LEGAL_CHARACTERS_IN_QUERY in the interface org.apache.axis2.description.WSDL2Constants, which is set to "-._~!$'()*+,;=:@/?"