Status: Resolved
Resolution: Fixed
WinXP SP2 on Intel P-IV 1GB RAM, Jboss4.0.3SP1 + Tomcat 5.5, J2DK1.4.2_10, axis0.94
When you try to make a RPC call, at the class org.apache.axis2.databinding.utils.BeanUtil,
when deserializing the message context at the method
public static Object deserialize(Class beanClass, OMElement beanElement) throws AxisFault
It populates the properties HashMap with
properties.put(proprty.getName(), proprty); // at line 123
but, few lines below, it gets the localname from the message part and tries to find a property (from the properties hash) with that localname.
PropertyDescriptor prty = (PropertyDescriptor) properties.get(partsLocalName.toLowerCase()); //at line 134
The problem is that it performs a toLowerCase() onto the localname (string) passing it as the key to the hash but at line 123 it uses the "as is" property name (from the property descriptor).
So, if i.e. you use contextType (setContextType/getContextType) as the property name, it will never find it. You have to use contexttype (setContexttype/getContexttype) as the property name (not java style).
Well, i hope this will help you guys.
Keep up the excellent work!!!
See ya.