In the invokeBusinessLogic method, and particulary in the handleResult() method, when calling the engine.send(..) method, the incoming MessageContext is send (messageCtx) rather than result one (result).
Here after the fixed source code :
public abstract class AbstractInOutAsyncMessageReceiver extends AbstractMessageReceiver {
protected Log log = LogFactory.getLog(getClass());
public abstract void invokeBusinessLogic(MessageContext inMessage, MessageContext outMessage,
ServerCallback callback)
throws AxisFault;
public final void receive(final MessageContext messageCtx) throws AxisFault {
final ServerCallback callback = new ServerCallback() {
public void handleResult(MessageContext result) throws AxisFault
public void handleFault(AxisFault fault) throws AxisFault
{ AxisEngine engine = new AxisEngine(messageCtx.getOperationContext().getServiceContext() .getConfigurationContext()); MessageContext faultContext = engine.createFaultMessageContext(messageCtx, fault); engine.sendFault(faultContext); } };
Runnable theadedTask = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
catch (AxisFault e)
{ log.error(e); } }