I have a wsdl that imports a xsd. When I generate the code with wsdl2java, the resulting resources\DaService.wsdl has wrong schemaLocations in the imports. They should be:
<import namespace="urn:some:namespace" schemaLocation="xsd0.xsd"/>
, but what I get in the resources\DaService.wsdl is:
<import namespace="urn:some:namespace" schemaLocation="DaService?xsd=xsd0.xsd"/>
This should happen only during runtime when the path of the schema relative to the web server is truly "http://....../DaService?xsd=xsd0.xsd". However in the wsdl of the generated code (consequently in the wsdl inside the .aar file), the schema locations should still be relative to the file system, namely "xsd0.xsd" or "./xsd0.xsd".
I fix this by manually changing the schema locations in the generated code.