Status: Resolved
Resolution: Fixed
python --version
Python 3.9.5pip freeze | grep avro
The following schema is invalid for Java (it fails to compile), because the default value is not a valid symbol:
{ "type": "record", "name": "test_schema", "fields": [ { "name": "test_enum", "type": { "name": "test_enum_type", "type": "enum", "symbols": [ "NONE" ], "default": "UNKNOWN" } } ] }
This matches the behavior documented in the spec:
default: A default value for this enumeration, used during resolution when the reader encounters a symbol from the writer that isn't defined in the reader's schema (optional). The value provided here must be a JSON string that's a member of the symbols array. See documentation on schema resolution for how this gets used.
But the same schema is silently accepted by the python library (although the writer doesn't allow the invalid value to be produced):
import avro.schema from avro.datafile import DataFileReader, DataFileWriter from import DatumReader, DatumWriter with open("test.avsc", "rb") as handler: schema = avro.schema.parse( DATA_FILE = "test.avro" with open(DATA_FILE, "wb") as handler: writer = DataFileWriter(handler, DatumWriter(), schema) writer.append({"test_enum": "NONE"}) # writer.append({"test_enum": "UNKNOWN"}) # writer.append({}) writer.close() with open(DATA_FILE, "rb") as handler: for user in DataFileReader(handler, DatumReader()): print(user)