AVRO-1402 updates the Avro spec to include logical types, which are stored as existing types but interpreted as others. The next step is to implement LogicalType (in Java) that provides tools to attach a logical type to a schema, read a logical type, and validate logical types.
Issue Links
- blocks
AVRO-1643 Add non-String maps as a logical type
- Open
- depends upon
AVRO-1402 Support for DECIMAL type
- Closed
- is cloned by
AVRO-1702 Add LogicalType support to c++ library
- Resolved
- is depended upon by
NIFI-2624 JDBC-to-Avro processors handle BigDecimals as Strings
- Resolved
- is related to
AVRO-1503 Add Decimal type in Avro C Library.
- Open
- relates to
AVRO-1796 Potential dead lock issue
- Open
AVRO-1721 Should LogicalTypes introduce schema (in)compatibility and canonical parsing form changes?
- Open
Infinite loop caused by race condition | Closed | Unassigned |