Status: Resolved
Resolution: Not A Problem
single server mode, using default configurations from ./opt/local/conf/
I'm using the single server mode with 1 CC node and 2 NC nodes (red and blue). All configurations are default from /opt/local/conf/. However, after creating a feed and connecting it to a dataset, the specified port is not open, and no error message/ stacktrace is shown.
The following commands work fine (and the specified port is open) on AsterixDB 0.9.0.
Steps to reproduce:
drop dataverse twitter if exists; create dataverse twitter if not exists; use dataverse twitter create type typeUser if not exists as open { id: int64, name: string, screen_name : string, lang : string, location: string, create_at: date, description: string, followers_count: int32, friends_count: int32, statues_count: int64 } create type typePlace if not exists as open{ country : string, country_code : string, full_name : string, id : string, name : string, place_type : string, bounding_box : rectangle } create type typeGeoTag if not exists as open { stateID: int32, stateName: string, countyID: int32, countyName: string, cityID: int32?, cityName: string? } create type typeTweet if not exists as open{ create_at : datetime, id: int64, "text": string, in_reply_to_status : int64, in_reply_to_user : int64, favorite_count : int64, coordinate: point?, retweet_count : int64, lang : string, is_retweet: boolean, hashtags : {{ string }} ?, user_mentions : {{ int64 }} ? , user : typeUser, place : typePlace?, geo_tag: typeGeoTag } create dataset ds_tweet(typeTweet) if not exists primary key id using compaction policy correlated-prefix (("max-mergable-component-size"="1048576"),("max-tolerance-component-count"="10")) with filter on create_at ; // with filter on create_at; //"using" "compaction" "policy" CompactionPolicy ( Configuration )? )? create feed TweetFeed using socket_adapter ( ("sockets"="red:10001"), ("address-type"="nc"), ("type-name"="typeTweet"), ("format"="adm") ); connect feed TweetFeed to dataset ds_tweet;
Then check port 10001 using nmap:
nmap -p 10001 localhost
It shows:
PORT STATE SERVICE 10001/tcp closed scp-config