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  1. ActiveMQ Artemis
  2. ARTEMIS-2794

Disallowing use of vulnerable protocol 'SSLv2Hello' on acceptor 'artemis' in redhat mq 7.6



    • Bug
    • Status: Closed
    • Major
    • Resolution: Not A Bug
    • 2.11.0
    • 2.11.0
    • JMX, OpenWire
    • None
    • Pre-prod,SIT

    • Important


      I am getting below error while implementing HA over ssl enabled acceptors in both master and slave.

      Error on master:

      2020-06-07 15:03:33,800 WARN [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.client] AMQ212004: Failed to connect to server.
      2020-06-07 15:03:39,820 INFO [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221053: Disallowing use of vulnerable protocol 'SSLv2Hello' on acceptor 'artemis'. See [http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/topics/security/poodlecve-2014-3566-2339408.html] for more details.

      This keep on repeating like anything in logs making CPU and JVM heap to go high!

      ERROR [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ224088: *Timeout (10 seconds) while handshaking with ec2-35-153-67-214.compute-1.amazonaws.com:61616 has occurred.

      Master is not able to communicate to slave over ssl causing time out issue where sslv2 protocol is being shared by slave which is not accepted by master. 

      1. Could you please help on why slave is sending sslv2 protocol if the same has been deprecated by oracle JVM in JDK 7 onwards and we are using JDK 8 ?
      2. When client connects(external) to broker then TLS protocol is provided in transport settings from their side, then why for internal communication where master and slave or cluster brokers have to share information SSLV2 is used (which is again blocked by JVM installed saying unsecure protocol) - This is strange where internal communication in a product is blocked while external is working

      My broker configurations are attached: master_broker slave_broker.


        1. master_broker
          11 kB
          Aman Verma
        2. slave_broker
          11 kB
          Aman Verma



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