We bumped into the following issue, we start getting duplicate message after doing some analysis we saw the "exclusiveBindings" in "org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.postoffice.impl.BindingsImpl" got the same binding twice.
The if statement in "addBinding"
if (binding.isExclusive()) { exclusiveBindings.add(binding); } else { SimpleString routingName = binding.getRoutingName(); List<Binding> bindings = routingNameBindingMap.get(routingName); if (bindings == null) { bindings = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>(); List<Binding> oldBindings = routingNameBindingMap.putIfAbsent(routingName, bindings); if (oldBindings != null) { bindings = oldBindings; } } if (!bindings.contains(binding)) { bindings.add(binding); } }
Does not do any check in case the binding already exists, this kind of test is done for non exclusive binding.
I was not able to create an automatic test in the base code because the issue seems related to the client version.
- Cluster of two instances (UDP) Artemis Server 1.5.5
- Clean Up /data/bindings/*, ../data/journal/*, ../data/paging/*
- Exclusive Divert from jms.queue.*.Provider.*.Agent.*.Status to jms.queue.Notifications
- Java program using artemis client
- Start Consumer in Instance 1 (jms.queue.Notifications)
- Send Message to Instance 1
- Send Message to Instance 2
- Send Message to Instance 1
- We expect to get 3 message
We got 3 messages when the client uses version 1.5.5
We got 5 messages when the client uses version 2.6.2
I enclose two gif one for client "org.apache.activemq:artemis-jms-client:1.5.5" where it works ok and another for "org.apache.activemq:artemis-jms-client:2.6.2" where you can appreciate the issue.
Also I enclose one screenshot where you can see the same object is added twice.
I will also include the broker.xml file to configure the udp cluster + the code use for the producer and consumer.
Note: The only difference when using client 1.5.5 is the queue name definition I needed to remove the jms.queue prefix.
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