Status: Resolved
Resolution: Invalid
Node 1:
* ./artemis create --nio --clustered --cluster-user artemis --cluster-password artemis --name broker1 --user artemis --password artemis --allow-anonymous Y broker1
* add to connectors : <connector name="secondBroker">tcp://secondhost:61616</connector>
* reference secondBroker as static connector
* ./broker1/bin/artemis runNode 2:
* ./artemis create --nio --clustered --cluster-user artemis --cluster-password artemis --name broker2 --user artemis --password artemis --allow-anonymous Y broker2
* add to connectors : <connector name="firstBroker">tcp://firsthost:61616</connector>
* reference firstBroker as static connector
* ./broker1/bin/artemis run- start clients
+ they all connect to broker1
- stop broker1
- client connects to broker2 successfully
- start broker1
+ expect to see client failback to broker1, but this does not happen- Client-side configuration
+ (tcp://firsthost:61616,tcp://secondhost:61616)?ha=true&randomize=false&retryInterval=1000&reconnectAttempts=1
Node 1: * ./artemis create --nio --clustered --cluster-user artemis --cluster-password artemis --name broker1 --user artemis --password artemis --allow-anonymous Y broker1 * add to connectors : <connector name="secondBroker">tcp://secondhost:61616</connector> * reference secondBroker as static connector * ./broker1/bin/artemis run Node 2: * ./artemis create --nio --clustered --cluster-user artemis --cluster-password artemis --name broker2 --user artemis --password artemis --allow-anonymous Y broker2 * add to connectors : <connector name="firstBroker">tcp://firsthost:61616</connector> * reference firstBroker as static connector * ./broker1/bin/artemis run - start clients + they all connect to broker1 - stop broker1 - client connects to broker2 successfully - start broker1 + expect to see client failback to broker1, but this does not happen Client-side configuration + (tcp://firsthost:61616,tcp://secondhost:61616)?ha=true&randomize=false&retryInterval=1000&reconnectAttempts=1 - Client-side configuration
- Ideal Use Case
We'd like to ensure high availability using failover, and then normalization of the environment using failback once the server which was shut down is back up.
- Context and Environment
* We have two brokers running on two seperate servers, set up in a cluster with static connectors.
* Both brokers are able to handle their own load just fine.
* We create a situation where one of the broker shuts down, and all of its clients failover to the other broker and we're still able to process messages just fine.