I'm using the following settings to try to mimic ActiveMQ 5 STOMP destination handling:
<acceptor name="stomp">tcp://;tcpReceiveBufferSize=1048576;protocols=STOMP;useEpoll=true;anycastPrefix=/queue/;multicastPrefix=/topic/</acceptor>
This works as expected in most situations.
However, when subscribing to a queue (via destination:/queue/foo) and sending a message to an eponymous topic (destination:/topic/foo) Artemis reports a fatal error:
AMQ119209 Can't remove routing type ANYCAST, queues exists for address foo. Please delete queues before removing this routing type.
I guess this happens when it tries to auto delete things.
Doing the opposite (subscribing to the queue and sending a message to the topic), I get the same kind of error:
AMQ119209 Can't remove routing type MULTICAST, queues exists for address foo. Please delete queues before removing this routing type.
Issue Links
- causes
ARTEMIS-1834 Incorrect STOMP destination header
- Closed
- links to