I've been looking into the currently disabled OpenWire tests, if there is a way to implement support for more of them and enable them.
I believe I've made some progress on this front, so I'd wish to discuss
1) what is the endgame about these tests; do we want to eventually run them all, or is it expected to to ignore some?
2) what tests would be useful to enable now? I've been looking at them from the point of how easy it is to enable them, not how useful it is.
3) would it be ok to add mockito as a test dependency? it seems useful, because sometimes it is necessary to wrap something in ActiveMQ5 class, and doing a proxy avoids having to invoke superclass constructors (when the thing that needs to be implemented is a class and not an interface). Mockito is IMO nicer to use than using java.lang.reflect.Proxy.newProxyInstance directly.
and propose PR based on that discussion.