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  1. Apache Arrow
  2. ARROW-17213

[C++] Compute kernel change introduced test-r-linux-valgrind failure



    • Improvement
    • Status: Resolved
    • Blocker
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • None
    • 9.0.0
    • C++


      It looks like a change in ARROW-17135 may have introduced a test-r-linux-valgrind nightly failure where (valgrind thinks) uninitialized values are somehow being used when comparing two arrays (the R call is `identical()`):

      The build log is here: https://dev.azure.com/ursacomputing/crossbow/_build/results?buildId=30075&view=logs&j=0da5d1d9-276d-5173-c4c4-9d4d4ed14fdb&t=d9b15392-e4ce-5e4c-0c8c-b69645229181&l=25758

      The relevant (I think) sample of the valgrind output:

      ==5249== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
      ==5249==    at 0x485207E: bcmp (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/vgpreload_memcheck-amd64-linux.so)
      ==5249==    by 0x49E831E: R_compute_identical (identical.c:233)
      ==5249==    by 0x49E7B8E: do_identical (identical.c:94)
      ==5249==    by 0x49B24EC: bcEval (eval.c:7126)
      ==5249==    by 0x499DB93: Rf_eval (eval.c:748)
      ==5249==    by 0x49A0902: R_execClosure (eval.c:1918)
      ==5249==    by 0x49A05B5: Rf_applyClosure (eval.c:1844)
      ==5249==    by 0x49B2120: bcEval (eval.c:7094)
      ==5249==    by 0x499DB93: Rf_eval (eval.c:748)
      ==5249==    by 0x49A0902: R_execClosure (eval.c:1918)
      ==5249==    by 0x49A05B5: Rf_applyClosure (eval.c:1844)
      ==5249==    by 0x49B2120: bcEval (eval.c:7094)
      ==5249==  Uninitialised value was created by a heap allocation
      ==5249==    at 0x484DE30: memalign (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/vgpreload_memcheck-amd64-linux.so)
      ==5249==    by 0x484DF92: posix_memalign (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/vgpreload_memcheck-amd64-linux.so)
      ==5249==    by 0xFF7D27F: arrow::(anonymous namespace)::SystemAllocator::AllocateAligned(long, unsigned char**) (memory_pool.cc:318)
      ==5249==    by 0xFF7D3F9: arrow::BaseMemoryPoolImpl<arrow::(anonymous namespace)::SystemAllocator>::Allocate(long, unsigned char**) (memory_pool.cc:458)
      ==5249==    by 0xFB31A46: GcMemoryPool::Allocate(long, unsigned char**)::{lambda()#1}::operator()() const (memorypool.cpp:27)
      ==5249==    by 0xFB31E10: arrow::Status GcMemoryPool::GcAndTryAgain<GcMemoryPool::Allocate(long, unsigned char**)::{lambda()#1}>(GcMemoryPool::Allocate(long, unsigned char**)::{lambda()#1} const&) (memorypool.cpp:45)
      ==5249==    by 0xFB31ABB: GcMemoryPool::Allocate(long, unsigned char**) (memorypool.cpp:27)
      ==5249==    by 0xFF81A97: arrow::PoolBuffer::Reserve(long) (memory_pool.cc:806)
      ==5249==    by 0xFF81B6D: arrow::PoolBuffer::Resize(long, bool) (memory_pool.cc:830)
      ==5249==    by 0xFF80D94: ResizePoolBuffer<std::unique_ptr<arrow::ResizableBuffer>, std::unique_ptr<arrow::PoolBuffer> > (memory_pool.cc:869)
      ==5249==    by 0xFF80D94: arrow::AllocateResizableBuffer(long, arrow::MemoryPool*) (memory_pool.cc:882)
      ==5249==    by 0x1022D197: arrow::compute::KernelContext::Allocate(long) (kernel.cc:48)
      ==5249==    by 0x10584C80: arrow::compute::internal::(anonymous namespace)::CompareKernel<arrow::Int32Type>::Exec(arrow::compute::KernelContext*, arrow::compute::ExecSpan const&, arrow::compute::ExecResult*) (scalar_compare.cc:274)

      Possible reprex for R code that triggered this. I can't run valgrind at this second but it's this test that triggered the failure (running this code after starting R with R -d valgrind should replicate the failure).

      library(arrow, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
      #> Some features are not enabled in this build of Arrow. Run `arrow_info()` for more information.
      library(testthat, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
      expect_type_equal <- function(object, expected, ...) {
        if (inherits(object, c("Array", "ChunkedArray"))) {
          object <- object$type
        if (inherits(expected, c("Array", "ChunkedArray"))) {
          expected <- expected$type
        expect_equal(object, expected, ...)
      expect_r6_class <- function(object, class) {
        expect_s3_class(object, class)
        expect_s3_class(object, "R6")
      expect_bool_function_equal <- function(array_exp, r_exp) {
        # Assert that the Array operation returns a boolean array
        # and that its contents are equal to expected
        expect_r6_class(array_exp, "ArrowDatum")
        expect_type_equal(array_exp, bool())
        expect_identical(as.vector(array_exp), r_exp)
      expect_array_compares <- function(x, compared_to) {
        r_values <- as.vector(x)
        r_compared_to <- as.vector(compared_to)
        # Iterate over all comparison functions
        expect_bool_function_equal(x == compared_to, r_values == r_compared_to)
        expect_bool_function_equal(x != compared_to, r_values != r_compared_to)
        expect_bool_function_equal(x > compared_to, r_values > r_compared_to)
        expect_bool_function_equal(x >= compared_to, r_values >= r_compared_to)
        expect_bool_function_equal(x < compared_to, r_values < r_compared_to)
        expect_bool_function_equal(x <= compared_to, r_values <= r_compared_to)
      expect_array_compares(ChunkedArray$create(1:3, 4:5), 4L)


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              wesm Wes McKinney
              paleolimbot Dewey Dunnington
              0 Vote for this issue
              5 Start watching this issue



                Time Tracking

                  Original Estimate - Not Specified
                  Not Specified
                  Remaining Estimate - 0h
                  Time Spent - 1h