Status: Resolved
Resolution: Fixed
6.0.0, 6.0.1
In `arrow` 6.0.0+ for R, when I read in a CSV file using a schema where the order of the columns in the schema doesn't match the order of columns in the CSV, the data is read in incorrectly.
The header is included as an observation in the read-in dataset. The columns are renamed but not reordered to match the schema. So I end up with the "quantile" column called "location", etc, as below.
[1] "last few obs in sorted order with arrow"
# A tibble: 6 × 7
forecast_date target target_end_date location type quantile value
<chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
1 2021-12-12 9 day ahead… 2021-12-21 0.99 946.43313… 06 quant…
2 2021-12-12 9 day ahead… 2021-12-21 0.99 956.43294… 39 quant…
3 2021-12-12 9 day ahead… 2021-12-21 0.99 97.948144… 41 quant…
4 2021-12-12 9 day ahead… 2021-12-21 0.99 98.573545… 49 quant…
5 2021-12-12 9 day ahead… 2021-12-21 0.99 98.978636… 33 quant…
6 forecast_date target target_end_date quantile value location type
The last line ("forecast_date target...") is the original header.
The file in question ( has 45360 observations + 1 line for the header. But the read-in dataset has
[1] "dimensions with arrow"
[1] 45361 7
Reprex attached with working (`packageVersion("arrow") == 4.0.1`; 5.0.0 also works) and non-working (`packageVersion("arrow") == 6.0.1`) examples. Run examples using `make run-broken` and `make run-works`.
Issue Links
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