Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Eclipse Equinox 3.9.1, Apache Aries Blueprint 1.1.0
If I install a subsystem X containing other subystems (S1..Sn) each containing several bundles, one of them containing b>25 bundles, installation of the subsystem is extremely slow (e.g. 1h). If I install all subsystemn S1..Sn "by hand" individually speed is rather okay (e.g. 2 min.). I can't figure out the exact reason. It could of course be about the resolving mechanism. However, it seems that nested subsystems currently can't be handled because performance is far from acceptable.
Notice: Nested subsystems (in X) as well as nested bundles (in S1..Sn) are wrapped as content of the archive, no OSGi repository implementation used. X and the one containing b>25 bundles are feature subsystems.
Issue Links
- blocks
ARIES-1377 Subsystems 2.0.4 Release
- Closed