The LGPL-licensed trove4j library is a transitive dependency of our OpenIE dependency via the edu.washington.cs.knowitall:reverb-core dependency via the cc.mallet:mallet dependency. The LGPL license is not compatible with the Apache license.
In addition, the reverb-core dependency depends on edu.washington.cs.knowitall:common-java, which is GPL-licensed, and on edu.washington.cs.knowitall:openregex, which is LGPL-licensed, and transitively (via cc.mallet:mallet) on com.googlecode.matrix-toolkits-java:mtj, which is LGPL-licensed, jgrapht:jgrapht, which is LGPL-licensed, and org.beanshell:bsh, which is LGPL-licensed.
Cf. ANY23-372