MessageProducer rate are 1 msg/sec on brokers that respect the batchable flag for amqp transfers. This has been a long standing issue with amqpnetlite until it was fixed for synchronous sends, version 2.1.8. The provider AmqpProducer uses async sends with ManualResetEvent to block. This is bad in term of amqp protocol as the transfer sent as batchable indicating to the broker that disposition should not be sent right away so it waits however the client is also waiting for a response leading to terrible message rates. Amqpnetlite fixed this issue at least for synchronous sends from a sender link where the batchable flag is set to false when a send is synchronous however that means that AmqpProducer must use a different send (see senderLink.send(msg) and senderLink.send(msg, timeout)) method then its currently using.
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