If I interpret the comment on Apache.NMS.IMessage.NMSTimestamp correctly, the timestamp of a message of send by a message producer with disabled timstamping should reflect the unix epoc. This is also what the JMS specification says in section 3.4.4 (JMSTimestamp).
But since the TimeStamp property of a message is set to DateTime.UtcNow in Apache.NMS.Stomp.Commands.Message.ctor() and the Apache.NMS.Stomp.MessageProducer.Send(...) implementation only updates the message timestamp (if message timestampng isn't disabled for the producer), the timestamp of a message send via STOMP can never be "zero" (=unix epoc).
Maybe a simple solution might be to add an else-branch to the MessageProducer-Send-implementation (see attached patch file), but i don't know if this follows the NMS-projects design intentions.