Status: Open
Resolution: Unresolved
When an ActiveMQConnection fails before an ActiveMQSessionKernel can deliver a message acknowledgement to the broker, only decaf-type exceptions are caught. However, ActiveMQSessionKernel::acknowledge can indirectly throw a CMS-type exception, which means that the consumer read lock may not get released. This will result in a deadlock when the session tries to acquire the consumer write lock (for example, when cleaning up the ActiveMQConnection).
I have attached a stack trace from such a deadlock, which occurs when the ActiveMQConnection gets cleaned up. The relevant portion (edited for brevity and clarity, though the attached is the original stack), is:
0 decaf::util::concurrent::ExecutorKernel::Worker::run() ThreadPoolExecutor.cpp:184 1 decaf::util::concurrent::ExecutorKernel::runWorker (decaf::util::concurrent::ExecutorKernel::Worker*) ThreadPoolExecutor.cpp:738 2 activemq::core::OnExceptionRunnable::run() ActiveMQConnection.cpp:439 3 activemq::core::ActiveMQConnection::cleanup() ActiveMQConnection.cpp:839 4 activemq::core::kernels::ActiveMQSessionKernel::dispose() ActiveMQSessionKernel.cpp:371 5 decaf::util::concurrent::locks::AbstractQueuedSynchronizer::acquire(int) AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.cpp:1565 6 decaf::util::concurrent::locks::SynchronizerState::acquireQueued((anonymous namespace)::Node*, int) AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.cpp:711 7 decaf::util::concurrent::locks::LockSupport::park() LockSupport.cpp:54 8 decaf::internal::util::concurrent::Threading::park(decaf::lang::Thread*) Threading.cpp:1345 9 decaf::internal::util::concurrent::PlatformThread::interruptibleWaitOnCondition(_opaque_pthread_cond_t*, _opaque_pthread_mutex_t*, decaf::internal::util::concurrent::CompletionCondition&) PlatformThread.cpp:210 10 _pthread_cond_wait 11 __psynch_cvwait
This issue can be reproduced by using a client-acknowledge strategy and adding a substantial (10+ seconds) call to sleep before acknowledging the message. If the connection fails during that sleep, a CMS exception will be thrown when the thread handling onMessage wakes up and tries to acknowledge the message.
The exception is originally thrown by ActiveMQConnection::checkClosedOrFailed.] These exceptions become ActiveMQ exceptions here,] and then CMS Exceptions here.] The only exceptions caught in ActiveMQSessionKernel::acknowledge are decaf exceptions; when a CMS exception is thrown, the consumer read lock is not released.
This issue can be fixed by catching CMS exceptions in ActiveMQSessionKernel::acknowledge.