Producer aborts/core dump during ActiveMQCPP::shutdownLibrary()
We recently upgrade from the AMQ-CPP-Client from 3.4.5 to 3.5.0. After doing
this we found that we would get aborts and core files when shutting down the
I've also been able to reproduce the problem with the simple consumer, which
equates to basically.
- Invoke the initializeLibrary() routine.
- Print the library version and CMSX properties
- Invoke shutdownLibrary()
When I link against the 3.4.5 library there is no abort/core. When I link
against 3.5.0 we abort/core.
Environments: This has been observed on both RedHat 5.8 and SUSE SLES10
32bit. We are linking with apr version 1.4.2 and apri-util version 1.3.9
I've attached gdb output as well as the modified SimpleProducer.cpp that I see
the problem with.
%> SimpleProducer.exe
Starting the example with version 3.4.4:
0: JMSXGroupID
1: JMSXGroupSeq
2: JMSXDeliveryCount
3: JMSXProducerTXID
Finished with the example.
%> SimpleProducer.exe
Starting the example with version 3.5.0:
0: JMSXGroupID
1: JMSXGroupSeq
2: JMSXDeliveryCount
3: JMSXProducerTXID
Finished with the example.
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'decaf::lang::exceptions::RuntimeException'
what(): Failed to Lock OS Mutex
Abort (core dumped)
Issue Links
- duplicates
AMQCPP-449 activemq::library::ActiveMQCPP::shutdownLibrary(); causing runtime exception
- Resolved