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  1. ActiveMQ C++ Client
  2. AMQCPP-317

activemq-cpp 3.2.2 will not work with activemq 5.4.0 broker using Stomp



    • Bug
    • Status: Resolved
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 3.2.2
    • 3.2.4, 3.3.0
    • None
    • None
    • Windows 7, all compiled with Visual Studio 2008


      I deployed activemq server on Windows 7 with JDK 1.6.0_20 and executed it using the command:

      bin\activemq xbean:activemq-stomp.xml

      The server started up with no problems and reported stomp+nio listening at port 61612 and stomp listening at port 61613.

      I also built the activemq-cpp solution using Visual C++ 2008 on Windows 7 and using the Debug configuration with the
      Multithreaded Debug runtime for all libraries and the executable.

      I only changed line 387 in the file main.cpp, from:
      (note: also tried it with port 61612 with same results)

      Executed activemq-cpp-example project and the Producer connected properly and sent its messages. I could
      see the messages enqueued in the http web console. The Consumer, however, did connect (could see 1
      consumer listed under the "Queues" section of the http web console) but did not dequeue any messages,
      nor did it report receiving any in its command prompt window.

      I put a breakpoint in the OnMessage method and saw that it was never being called.

      I then changed the code to use OpenWire by changing the above line to:

      I then executed activemq using the command:

      bin\activemq xbean:activemq-demo.xml

      and then executed the activemq-cpp-example project. It functioned perfectly with both consumer
      and producer reporting success.




            tabish Timothy A. Bish
            baudtender Scott Watson
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