We ran into a problem after we upgraded the CMS library from revison 3.1.3 to revision 3.2.2. We have two applications. When we start up the second application, and try to send a message to the activemq broker, it seems to wipe out the existing connection that the first application has. This is a new problem. We have not seen this with the earlier version of CMS.
Here are more details about our applications.
Both applications are using a COM component that we have created as a thin wrapper around CMS.
Application 1:
The "Catcher" application creates listeners and waits for messages to arrive on two "request" topics. When it receives messages, it sends out responses on the appropriate "response" topic. This app is intended as a local, dumbed-down similator of a remote server. The Catcher app uses only the COM wrapper of CMS. When the catcher is started, you can see it's listeners on the "Topics" page.
Application 2:
The "SimpleSender" app uses an Additional COM object that loads the CMS wrapper. SimpleSender creates listers on the "response" topics and sends messages on the "request" topics. When SimpleSender starts, it loads it's configuration, creates a listener on the response topic, and sends 1 message. If you look at the topics page (http://localhost:8161/admin/topics.jsp) before the message is sent, the Catcher listeners are undisturbed. After it sends a message, the listeners are destroyed.
Application 3:
A simple message sender that only uses the COM wrapper. It does not destroy Catcher's connections, and can be used to test whether Catcher can receive messages.
I will send an attachment containing the test programs.