After switch to new Java version 16 ActiveMQ stopped to work. Better said broker network stopped to work. Connections to other servers is opened and immediately stopped because of following error (that is repeating again and again);
2021-04-08 13:11:21,198 | INFO | Network connection between vm://localhost#74736 and HTTP Reader https://xxxx:1043 (localhost) has been established. | | triggerStartAsyncNetworkBridgeCreation: remoteBroker=HTTP Reader https://xxx:1043, localBroker= vm://localhost#74736
2021-04-08 13:11:21,212 | WARN | Network connection between vm://localhost#74736 and HTTP Reader https://xxx:1043 shutdown due to a remote error: com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.ConversionException: No converter available
---- Debugging information ----
message : No converter available
type : java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong
converter : com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.ReflectionConverter
message[1] : Unable to make field private static final long java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong.serialVersionUID accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.util.concurrent.atomic" to unnamed module @29caf222
------------------------------- | | triggerStartAsyncNetworkBridgeCreation: remoteBroker=HTTP Reader https://xxx:1043, localBroker= vm://localhost#74736
2021-04-08 13:11:21,213 | WARN | Network connection between vm://localhost#74736 and HTTP Reader https://xxx:1043 shutdown due to a remote error: Failed to perform GET on: https://xxx:1043 as response was: HttpResponseProxyUnknown macro: {HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error [Date}| | ActiveMQ Transport: HTTP Reader https://xxx:1043
2021-04-08 13:11:21,214 | INFO | Connector vm://localhost stopped | | ActiveMQ BrokerService[localhost] Task-1044
2021-04-08 13:11:21,214 | INFO | localhost bridge to localhost stopped | | ActiveMQ BrokerService[localhost] Task-1044
It seems that is incompatibility with Java 16 especially this message:
Unable to make field private static final long java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong.serialVersionUID accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.util.concurrent.atomic" to unnamed module @29caf222